Standard Metrics for LDA Model Comparison

Standard Metrics for LDA Model Comparison

Topic Modelling is used to extract topics from a collection of documents.The topics are fundamentally a cluster of similar words. This help in the understanding of hidden semantic structure between words of a large number of the extensive texts at an aggregate level. Perplexity and Coherence Score are used as metrics for assessing the quality of the learned topics.

  1. Perplexity: is a statistical measure of how well a probability model predicts a sample. This is calculated by splitting the dataset into two, train and test documents.

    A test set is a collection of unseen documents wd. We evaluate the log likelihood as follows:



    Φ = topic matrix

    wd = unseen document

    α = alpha parameter (topic distribution of documents)

    That is, log-likelihood of a set of unseen documents wd given the topics Φ.

    Therefore, higher likelihood implies a better model.

  2. Coherence Score: is used for assessing the quality of the learned topics.

    Intuition: topic is good if the word constituting the topic co-occur together

    The score is used for deciding the required number of topics in the model.

    For a topic t characterized by a set of top words WT

    Coherence is defined as :



    d(w1) = the number of documents that contain word w1

    d(w1,w2) = the number of documents that contain words w1 AND w2 (co- occur together)

    ε = smoothing count set to 1 or 0.01.

    Drawback: Coherence cannot distinguish between high-frequency words and informative words.



